par mathiross | Oct 9, 2023 | News
It’s in the box ! ??? After an intensive work session week at the Bondy Studio, most of the instrumental parts et many of the vocal ones have been recorded. Thanks to Yann Van Eijk behind the console, for his patience and competence, what a satisfaction to...
par mathiross | Mai 10, 2023 | News
We’ve done it !! ? ?Our 3rd concert as an opening act of Franck Carducci on a big stage was awesome and a great experience ?? Thank you to everyone who came to share this special moment with us, the audience was wonderful and the feedback was so lovely and...
par mathiross | Mar 21, 2023 | News
Spring is here, birds are blooming, trees are singing? and the gig season is starting for Oddleaf. After the memorable experience of our first concert at La Coconnerie last October, we will be playing a series of three gigs in and around Lyon in the coming weeks. The...
par mathiross | Mar 12, 2023 | News
This early March, we made it to the final in an online contest to play at the Veruno progressive rock festival in Italy, one of the most important ones in Europe. We had the honour to be chosen with three other talented and confirmed Italian bands, and if it...
par mathiross | Sep 18, 2022 | News
The quintet just announced its first concert the 8 of October at Aurel (26), France. It will follow a 5 days rehearsal in the venue La Coconnerie. From a large part of the setlist, will emerge a studio album scheduled to be recorded in 2023. What an occasion to...
par mathiross | Juin 19, 2022 | News
Moonless Night, the second demo song has just been released!And just like the first one, the music video was made with the footage shot during the recording sessions. We hope that you will enjoy the fruit of several months worth of work! Please send us your feedback...